Celebrating the Prince's Birthday not Known
December 24, 2024โข436 words
A noble prince rode into a forsaken village and slew the dragon that had been terrorizing the people there for as long as anyone could remember. The people rejoiced and begged the prince to stay and rule over them. "Very well," said the prince, "but if I stay you must heed all my orders. This is how you will honor me." The people cheered and made solemn vows to obey everything the prince would command. The people adored him.
One day, the young maidens went to see the prince, to commune with him and hear him teach. This was all as he had ordered them. While there, the maidens begin asking among themselves concerning what day of the year the prince's mother had given birth to him. They became so curious about it that one of the maidens decided to bring the question to the prince himself. The prince asked the maiden, "Why dost thou desire to know this?" The maiden answered, "That we may show thee honor in the celebration of the glad day of thy birth, each year." To this, the prince responded, "No, but I have not ordered this." Unsatisfied with this answer, the maidens decided that the prince must have been born on the same day of the year in which he slew the dragon. The thought of this thrilled the maidens. They began making elaborate plans to celebrate their beloved prince on that very day, the following year.
The day approached. Almost the whole village had caught the spirit of the maidens and preparations were made for a grand feast. Finally, the day came. The sights and sounds and smells of a tremendous celebration filled the village. The prince rode through and stopped a small boy. "What is the meaning of all this celebration?" asked the prince. The boy looked up with a smile on his face and answered, "Lord, this is a day of feasting! In honor of thee, and upon the day of thy birth." The prince's countenance fell. He rode through the village and ordered the people to stop their feasting and to rend their festive garments in mourning. When the people heard this, they called to the prince, asking, "Why, Lord? Wilt thou not receive this honor from us?" The prince stopped before the crowds and turned to them. "No," the prince cried out, "Honor me with your obedience to all the things I have commanded. Besides, am I accounted as a dog to you? Is it right that you should devise the day of my birth, seeing as you do not know it?"
[by Blake Law]