God's will is the supreme law in all relations and actions

A Christian is just as much under obligation to obey God’s will in the most secular of his daily businesses as he is in his closet or at the communion table. He has no right to separate his life into two realms, and acknowledge different moral codes in each respectively—to say the Bible is a good rule for Sunday, but this is a week-day question, or the Scriptures are the right rule in matters of religion, but this is a question of business or politics. God reigns over all everywhere. His will is the supreme law in all relations and actions. His inspired Word, loyally read, will inform us of his will in every relation and act of life, secular as well as religious, and the man is a traitor who refuses to walk therein with scrupulous care. The kingdom of God includes all sides of human life, and it is a kingdom of absolute righteousness. You are either a loyal subject or a traitor. When the King comes how will he find you doing?
—A.A. Hodge, 'Popular Lectures on Theological Themes (1887), 324.

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