7 Bible Reading Plans 2025


Usually I don't start posting about Bible reading plans until January, because that's when I have to choose one. But by then it's already too late to make suggestions. It could take a couple days to compare plans and pick one. By then you're already behind.

So, I've thought ahead this time.

It's once again time to decide on reading the whole Bible, this new year.

First, have a trusty Bible translation for reading. I recommend getting yourself a copy of the Legacy Standard Bible (LSB). I have read through it three times now, and continually preach from it. Read Online: https://read.lsbible.org/

Also find it on the BEST Bible app: Literal Word
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.literalword.mobile_app
Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/literal-word-bible-lexicon/id1439010388

If you prefer to listen to the Bible, like me, here's the complete audio of the LSB. I simply open my Bible reading plan, and play the chapters for that day. LSB Audio Bible channel: https://www.youtube.com/@lsbaudiobible

Especially if you are a member of Reformed Presbyterian Church Dumaguete, you should have your copy for daily reading, as well as for use in corporate worship.


A time-tested way of disciplined Bible reading is to read the whole Bible in a year. Being haphazard doesn't cut it. Like anything worth doing, routine helps—and routinely is not the opposite of spiritually. Just because Bible reading is part of our devotion to God doesn't change the fact that we need structure. Failing to plan is planning to fail. God is not more honored by your forgetful disorganization resulting in not being familiar with his Word. Admit your weakness, pick a plan, buckle down, and get familiar with the whole Bible by reading it all every year.

I have 7 one-year Bible reading plan recommendations. Print one out, fold it, and stick it in the cover of your Bible. Or, use the ReadingPlan app (linked below).

🟢 52-Week Bible Reading Plan
AKA "Daily Genre Bible Reading Plan." In the Reading Plan app, search "Coley."
Read through the Bible in a year with each day of the week dedicated to a different genre: Epistles, Law, History, Psalms, Poetry, Prophets and Gospels.

This is my favorite. I used it for 2022 and 2023, and I will be coming back to it for 2025. I love the alternating pattern. Reading a different genre each day helps you not get bogged down in those long books. There's no monotony, since you're not reading the same book every day. The print-out is a single page, so you can fold it and keep it in your Bible. DOWNLOAD: https://updates.ligonier.org/rs/189-JLA-216/images/52-week-bible-reading-plan.pdf

🟢 Chronological Reading Plan
I have used this one the most, even simultaneously with a second reading plan. It's great. You'll understand the whole Bible better reading the individual books in context with each other. The life of David is sprinkled with his Psalms, and the split kingdom period has Kings, Chronicles, and prophetical books all woven together. DOWNLOAD: http://static.esvmedia.org/assets/pdfs/rp.chronological.pdf

🟢 Old & New Testament Reading Plan
The most straightforward (literally). Start in Genesis and Matthew, and read through to the end of Malachi and Revelation. It's simple. DOWNLOAD: https://bereanbiblesociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Old-and-New-Testament.pdf

🟢 Every Day in the Word
For a little extra, I love this plan (because I love Proverbs).
Read the Old Testament and New Testament from beginning to end, plus Psalms and Proverbs daily. You'll read the Old Testament and the New Testament once, and Psalms and Proverbs twice. DOWNLOAD: https://thebiblechallenge.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/TBC_EveryDayInTheWord1.pdf

🟢 Five Day Bible Reading Program
I used this for 2024. It was a nice change of pace. If weekends are difficult or extra busy (as for me) then this works well. No readings for Saturday and Sunday. Bonus: if you fall behind in your reading as I often do, you can easily make it up. The reading order is mostly chronological, OT and NT together (except for Job being at the end of the year). The PDF really is free, just scroll to the bottom of the page. DOWNLOAD: https://www.fivedaybiblereading.com/five-day-bible-reading-schedule/

🟢 Robert Murray M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan
A classic and I think the most popular for Bible-in-a-year-readers. But it hops around a lot. You'll be reading from 4 different parts of the Bible in one day. In one year you read the New Testament and Psalms twice and the Old Testament once. DOWNLOAD: http://www.edginet.org/mcheyne/printables.html

🟢 Seville Bible Reading Plan
AKA The Alternating Chrono-Harmonic-Ecclesiocentric Bible Reading Plan.
I wanted 7 plans to recommend, and found this that I had not noticed before. I like the concept. It's chronological, alternates between OT and NT, harmonizes the Gospels, and SUNDAYS OFF. Look at the PDF file to see how the readings break down. Printout front and back, one paper. DOWNLOAD: https://citychurchmelissa.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Seville-2024-Bible-Reading-Plan-ENTIRE-PLAN.pdf


ReadingPlan iOS app:
All of these should be available in the ReadingPlan app, which adjusts any reading plan to the days of the current year. Set your plan to start on January 1, and you’re all set. It can link to your preferred Bible app or site. There are many helpful settings. Get the ReadingPlan iOS app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/readingplan/id336984707

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