The Feynman Technique

--Day 1--
The Feynman Technique is a technique attributed to the world renowned physicist, Richard Feynman.
Who is Richard Feynman?
Richard Feynman was an American theoretical physicist who contributed majorly in the fields of Quantum mechanics, electrodynamics and many other physics related fields.
What is the Richard Feynman Technique?
The Feynman technique was not created by Richard Feynman but was named after him.
How can we practice it?
The best way to check if you really understand something is by teaching it to someone else. This is the entire concept in simple terms. The way to go about this is
1) Decide a topic you want to check your understanding on and write it on a piece of paper
2) Then write an explanation of the topic in simple, clear and concise language without any jargon or technical words.
3) Assume you are explaining the topic to a 5 year old.
4) Look at the gaps in your explanation and any particular assumptions made.
5) Take a glance in your textbook or any other reference in order to simplify the explanation.
6) Simplify your explanation even more.
7) Repeat this process until you feel like you totally grasp the topic and can explain it in the simplest terms possible.
8) Try to use relatable analogies and diagrams to help illustrate your point further.
Why does this work?
This technique is based on using first principles ie BASICS, FUNDAMENTALS. When you truly understand something you should be able to build up the concept from the basics. It will not only deepen your understanding of the topics but will also increase your critical thinking. The reason we explain the topic to a 5 year old is so that any assumptions we make or jargon we add is minimized and simple and clear language is used.

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