De-Googlizing the Texas geek
While I like to use the Google search engine, I really object to a mega-company tracking every single thing I do on the web. If I happened to do a search for, say, Charlemagne, the next website I see has an ad enticing me to buy Germany. That is knowing jut too much about my life. It's also making money with my data and not sharing the profits. Sooo.... I decided to ddGoogle-ize the Texas geek. The project was to get Google out of my life and computers. With that done, I expected to get ...
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For those of you stuck in the 20th century, an "earbug" is a song that you can't get out of your head. Not even by listening to the very end. Nor even by listening to the very end and adding your own orchestrated ending. But, did you know that earbugs are dangerous? No? They are, actually. Earbugs can be extremely dangerous. Case in point. The Warrior Princess can stand, sword in hand in a battlefield of trolls, demons and Republicans, and defeat them all. When the onslaught is done, t...
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Reading now
It will be a surprise to most folks from the Northeast of the US ("Yankee Land") that someone from Texas not only can ready, but can read signs longer than "Beer", "Exit" and that little sign on the door that means women's room. But we do, in fact, read longer things. No, really. Even stuff that's longer than a webcomic! This week, I've been reading the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov. For those not familiar with the series, Asimov presents the idea that the behavior of masses of human be...
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My iphone died
Oh, the woe! The tragedy! A life cut short by the cruel vagarities of the modern world! Heh. That sounded pretty good... Sometime last year, I gave into temptation and bought myself an iPhone. The Warrior Princess got one for work, and has been fairly happy with it. And I'm honest enough to admit that Geek Me wanted a new toy. The downside? iPhones are expensive. Not just "oh, I'll just leave out desserts for a month" expensive. More like "say goodbye to your Seattle Sehawks season tic...
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It got cold!
For those us us that don't live in Texas, getting cold is just part of the yearly tromp of the seasons. It's warm, then it's cold, then it's warm again. Here in Texas, the flow of seasons is a lot less complex. It's very danged hot, then it gets very hot, then it goes back to very danged hot. This year was an exception. We actually had coldness. The temperatures dipped down below freezing for almost two hours. Two hours! There was also "snow" but it all melted as it fell from the sky. ...
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It's not the liquor...
My mom was a woman with a great sense of humor. She was also the source of some pithy sayings. To wit... "Hangovers are caused by bad ice. The solution is to drink liquor straight and leave out the ice." A rule to live by! ...
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