
Group Publications

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  1. Decide on your theme.
  2. Identify content for the first edition. Each edition must include at least one instance of the five media types we explored in the first quarter: comics and puzzles, images, advertisements, infographics, and articles. Each individual is responsible for at least two pieces of media, so if your group has four members, there must be at least eight pieces or instances of media.
  3. Make sure that your media (i.e., content) works together as a whole. Help each other create content.
  4. Choose your platform. Will your publication be a single pdf file? Will it be a website? NOTE: Google Slides or PPT is not permitted!
  5. Plan your layout and your font styles. Your publication should have a consistent look.
  6. When your publication is ready, you need to turn in a single link. It cannot be a link to a folder. It has to be a link to a single file or website.
  7. Create a poster for your site that includes a qrcode. The teacher can provide a qrcode or you can create one yourself. The poster should include the qrcode, title, names of authors, and any description information you wish you include. Make it interesting. It's a promotion!



  • At least one instance of all five types of media from Q1 are included
  • Each member completed at least two instances of media
  • The content is relevant to the publication theme
  • Individual members names are indicated on the work they completed
  • Names of all team members are indicated on the front page

Editing and Proofreading

  • Clarity and consistency: Are headlines, captions, and body text clear and consistent?
  • Accuracy: Have errors been corrected through careful editing and proofreading?
  • Formatting: Is the layout visually appealing and well-organized?

Visual Presentation

  • Layout and design: Is the publication visually appealing and easy to navigate?
  • Use of visuals: Are images, graphics, and other visual elements effectively used to enhance the content?
  • Typography: Is the font choice and text formatting appropriate for readability?

Audience Engagement

  • Interest and engagement: Does the publication capture and maintain the interest of the target audience?
  • Interactive features (if applicable): Does the publication include interactive elements such as polls, surveys, or multimedia content?

Originality and Creativity

  • Uniqueness: Does the publication offer original perspectives or angles on topics?
  • Creativity in storytelling: Are there creative approaches to presenting information or telling stories?

Progress and Participation April 17

The teacher will be checking if your group has:

  • A publication format determined
  • A project folder on Google Drive that all members of the team have access to
  • Made significant progress towards completing the project (i.e., nearing 75% completion)
  • Full participation by each team member
  • A poster ready to print
    • If a poster is not ready due to not yet having a URL for a qrcode, print the poster without the qrcode; it can always be pasted on later

The teacher will be checking if individuals have:

  • Made significant progress towards completing at least two contributions to the publication (i.e., nearing 75% completion)

Published to, though students might be blocked from this location.

Google Drive:

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