Thursday, Jun 20, 2024 at 1:25 AM
Overviews What was done Why it was done Goal for next session Success? What was done Read another 60 pages of Flutter Book Why it was done Get from Page 136-196 so that I continue advancing my learning and get stronger in the language of Dart and the Framework of Flutter; Reviewed Mixin's which are super powerful, extensions and covariant in Dart classes (finished on page 208) Goal for next session Plan the architecture Success Kinda ...
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Wednesday, Jun 19, 2024 at 2:07 PM || Day 5 || Pivoting
Overviews What was done Why it was done Goal for next session Success? Appendix What was done Pivoting to a new application Plan the pricing Why it was done This was done because what I was trying to do existed already in several apps and therefore it didn't make sense to reinvent the wheel. So I looked into what was missing and I found a niche that I think I can grow an app successfully! To properly learn Flutter and Dart and the power that they behold!! I'll still be using Dart for ...
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Friday, Jun 7, 2024 at 12:39 p.m. || Day 1 || Loving Dart
Overviews What was done Why it was done Goal for next session Success? What was done Progressed from page 88 to 135 in The Flutter Complete Reference 2.0 Plan on getting from page 0-850ish approx in a month (30 days) Setup a central hub (a quick redirector for company resources) Setup and decided to cancel hosting Heroku (needed an active appified version of a very basic webpage) Discovered AWS Buckets can act as cheap redirectors Researching CNAME in DNS. Research AWS Free Tier Switchin...
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Thursday, Jun 6, 2024 at 4:00 a.m. || Day 0 || Picking up the gambit
Overviews What was done Why it was done Goal for next session Success? What was done Progressed from page 43 to 88 in The Flutter Complete Reference 2.0 Setup a proper email for the project for seperation Securing and setting up 2FA for the account Why it was done Dart is an unfamiliar language and I need to learn it so that I can manage it properly I don't currently want stuff mixed into my primary email and alias's handily fix that issue I should properly secure my stuff Goal for n...
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