Prototype testing #3

Current holdings//

Brown = Aldebaran
Orange = Sumeria
Light pink = Callisto

Pink = Caelus
Cyan? = Atlantis
Magenta? = Dys
Yellow = Carcosa
Violet = R'lyeh
Green = Agartha

In normal standings upholding uptake

N.Pink = Juno
N. Green = Amphoterica
N. Blue = Pulsaria
N. Red = Viscera
N. Orange = Cthugha
N. Purple = Sanctum
N. Yellow = Ailuro

Independent ships probably idk
basta ganun

Light lavender = Llaniappe
Dark blue = Verquia
Dark purple = Safarnama
Jet stream blue = Kasmata

but the more I categorize my shit the more I get this urge to make one more for the "prototypes". This is fear of criticism at its finest. Fun.

FFFFFF= Apeirophobia

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