AD21 // Day 1 out of 25

You are carrying the weight of an illusion.

That voice is a remnant of a newborn sun parasitizing on a dying one.
Time leaves you vulnerable to its whispers, getting louder as the future approaches.
Inclined to listen, for there are no pens when you need them the most, and too many people when your mind is ready to speak.

Sometimes there will be a gold chain hanging on your neck worth more gifting than selling,
And the price of beauty is strangulation.
Sometimes there's the sound of a faucet you mistook for the river's current
When the two are but one and the same.

The fool, when his card was picked, immediately told the fortuneteller:
"In the end, business is all about assigning values to things so valuable they're priceless. Like art. So what happens, then?
The artists gave their works costs based on their own worth, and their own needs."
The fortune teller widens their eyes on this presumptuous fool, then they laugh with condescension.
"Do you suggest that only worthless artists give out art for free?"
"...maybe. Everyone has worth, and only people who are unable to see that don't make people pay for anything." said the fool.

"Excuse me."
The fortune teller looks at the person across them.
"The Fool? What does that mean?"
They have a client right now, a client who came in under the pretense of wanting to know their future when all they really wanted was encouragement to go forth with their venture.

"Ah, the Fool."
"Does that mean I'm a fool? I guess I am..."
"The fool represents innocence and new beginnings. In some contexts, it would have negative connotations, but for you right now, it is a sign to take a leap of faith and begin your journey with enthusiasm."
"You sure?"
"Quite so."

"Thank you... I think I know what to do now."
"My pleasure."
"Are you sure you don't want any payment?"
"None at all. Helping others in itself is payment enough."
"...thank you. Even if this may only be fake, and the cards are lying to me..."
"Hey, don't insult my profession, heh."
"Still, I'm grateful. Maybe I just needed someone to tell me I can do it and I should do it."
"For free, right?"
"Yeah, I guess!" the client smiles.

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