Day 8
Record! ...
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Day 7
Record! ...
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Day 6
Made it to Sunday! Keep it up ...
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Day 5
This is gonna be a busy weekend. But after tomorrow, I will be totally done with two our of my four courses! ...
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Day 3
Still good today. I'm a bit sleep deprived so might have to watch out for that... ...
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Day 2
This week is a very busy one, but next week should be a bit more chill. I still have a long night ahead. ...
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Day 3 - relapsed
Relapsed because stress from uni work. Changes: deleted Tor protocol: if stressed or feeling overwhelmed, take a cold shower ...
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Day 2
Had a pretty fun day. A bit sluggish in the beginning but still going strong. ...
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Day 1
Stayed home the whole day today. That business assignment was a pain but I got through it eventually. A bit sluggish but not a terrible day. ...
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Day 5 - relapsed
This day wasn't the most productive. I got home early and relapsed after dinner. Maybe a sign of progress: it wasn't very satisfying. Changes: It's fine to stay home after morning routine. Sometimes it's unavoidable because of uni work and sometimes it's just nice to stay home. Deleted Brave and Reddit from phone. ...
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Day 4
Still going strong. Today I spent most of the day in the city, working on some uni assignments. I'm still at the library and will probably get home a bit late. ...
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Day 3
Day went excellent. I'm so proud of myself. ...
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Day 2
Today was a good day. Excellent progress! ...
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Day 1
Did not relapsed! Today went relatively well I'd say. I was tempted a few times but luckily I wasn't home. Keep up the great work:) ...
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Day 1 - relapsed
Relapsed eventually. Things I learnt from this: the weekend is very dangerous vacant time slot with a pressure to work is very dangerous Changes: block Safari private browsing with an unknown passcode add a warning for myself to not plan mentally-taxing working session after a day in the city ...
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Day 1 - almost relapsed
I spent most of the day in the city working. But when I got home, I was again quite tired and not in the mood for working. Almost relapsed, but I'm gonna count that as effectively a relapse. So, we're starting at Day 1 again tomorrow. It's very difficult, but we can do this! ...
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Day 7 - relapsed
Today I relapsed. After I got home from a full day out, I felt quite tired wasn't very in a mood for work. That was when the urge kicked in. Safari wasn't blocked properly and my phone obviously didn't have CTB. Sad that this happened, but 6 days is not bad at all. Definitely a progress. Day 1 starts again tomorrow, with the following changes: block Safari private browsing after a full day out, avoid scheduling in working session unless absolutely necessary write daily entry with more detail ...
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Day 6
all good ...
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Day 5
cooking pasta still good! ...
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Day 4
Most of the day in the city. Still going strong. ...
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Day 3
All good. ...
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Day 2
All good. Spent most of the day in the city. ...
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Day 1
Made my bed first thing in the morning. Spent most of the day in the city. Wasn't the most productive day but I'm feeling quite good. Still going strong. ...
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Project Recovery
Hello, World! Starting today, I will write an entry on this blog every day (when possible) updating everyone on my progress. Last relapse on 22 October 2022. New strategies: accountability → this blog environment 1 → be in the city as much as possible during the day environment 2 → make bed weirdly and don't lie in it until evening ...
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