Saturday, Apr 22, 2023 at 12:52 PM

Original question:

How can anyone doubt climate change?

My answer:

Well, if you're old enough to remember all of them (referring to the coming ice age, acid rain, the ozone layer, global heating and then, finally, 'climate change') you're likely old enough to have a decent education.

Little things like Earth sciences where, in what's now called middle school, we learned the earth has gone through many heating and cooling cycles, stretching back billions of years before humans existed. Actually, I think that was first broached in 5th grade, Mr. Neimuth. Great guy, but he just casually mentioned it since we had no concept of ‘billion' anyhow. We were still trying to fully comprehend million.

That's why I don't doubt warming/cooling. It's natural. The planet is a huge living thing. No living thing is 100% stable. Just ask my ex. Or just look at her. Either way.

They start off with a very small sample, see something “shocking”, and go specifically looking for more. Yet it's always been there, and has never been the least interesting, much less alarming and, in reality, still isn't. But someone figured out how to make a buck ‘stopping' it, let some influential people in early, and walla!

“Earth is dying. Does it even matter from what?”

Yeah, it kinda does. If this ends up an actual problem, and it’s something we cannot possibly affect, why should we destroy our quality of life for whatever time we have left?

What I doubt is that humans had any effect, or possibly can. If the planet enters a heating or cooling phase, time to split or die. In the grand scheme, we're inconsequential.

Nature. Always. Wins. In. The. End.

And she's a bitch.

One giant shudder, we’re all gone, and the planet goes on with it's life as if we'd never existed, slowly absorbing all we left behind until one day, there is no trace.

Perfectly natural, nothing anyone, anywhere can affect in any meaningful way. Why destroy lives and livelihoods?

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