Day 13 TDD Unauthenticated to Authenticated : The Basics

What I did: Getting stuck on actually implementing this gem of an idea
Total time: 49.067

Designing blob storage and wrapper library POC api. The idea is that the blog storage of a file will be seperate than the actual file. There will be a few events such as:

A fileID once processed is permanent. However once I realized I was drifting off of the target, which is setup the SSL2 communication I went back to SSL2 communication.


I was focused on figuring out Mocha, then realized my approach didn't make sense with using the SSL2 as interceptware and instead having SSL2 become a component built ontop of express that wraps express.

I briefly got sidetracked into blob storage and wrapper library POC. The idea is the blob sotrage of the file be seperate than the actual file. There will be a few events such as:

.addChunk(fileID, fileChunkNumber, fileChunk)
.removeChunk(fileID, fileChunkNumber, fileChunk)
.updateMeta(fileID, fileMeta)

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