Day 14 Encryption and Business research

What I did: Research encryption and income opportunities

Total time: 51.067

I knew what the decision was going to be after looking around, I just needed to come to terms with it you know. It's a beautiful library that's been audited.

I've made the difficult decision to AGPL the code because I want access to the beautiful crypto library that SN has built. Furthermore I know it's the right thing to do.

Having the code publicly examinable will encourage better craftpersonsship, however I'm scared that people will steal the code and I'll be left without anything.

After realizing I'm going to settle on the AGPL license the next thing is to figure out the income model.

But after figuring out the income model I'm not sure, mainly because what stops someone else from taking my code and using it without paying me anything?

I'm also shooting myself in the foot in other ways.

However I'm going to stick with it because I think it can work. Before I continue I'm trying to figure out income and business models that could work.

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