Ultimate Understanding Unalyssis (Day 115)

Total hours: 233.700

Top three:

1) Addressing Local Environmental Issue

Turns out the lack of proper redirection is that environmental variable isn’t being properly picked up. I solved it for outside environment but for some reason, INTERNAL environment it’s not properly being picked up. That is the mygaya.day it’s coming up as empty. Completely empty, I’m not sure exactly how to troubleshoot this given that it’s running in a remote docker container but I’m confident that I’ll find a solution.

2) Studying Phoenix Code

Unlike other frameworks cough cough express that have a lot of magical variables. OR make too many assumptions for you out of the bat. Phoenix does this but the code favours readability and abstraction by layers instead of magic variables.

Overall it means that as things invariably need to change, it’s possible and the code flow is a series of transformation requests. Extremely easy to trace.

3) Studying Elixir Code

The main difference between functional and OOP is transforming versus mutation.

Mutation is modifying data in place and depends on cache locality whereas transforming copy by value. This means that you don’t have to worry about odd race conditions within Elixir that you’d normally need to worry about in other languages like Java. It doesn’t get rid of concurrency issue entirely but changes it drastically. Since everything is isolated into Erlang threads, communicating between threads are done via message passing.

This means passing between two messages on the same system versus two message between two instances is just as seamless!!! 😍 A powerful abstraction for horizontal scaling that comes batteries attached.

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