This Week on Listed

There's been a lot of great bustle on Listed this week. Sure, we've had our regular contributors continue to bring us great reads, but the pace of users sharing their thoughts, notes, and personal progress has also increased positively. So, welcome to those that made their first post this week, and to all who continue sharing their stories. You've shared words that inspire, educate, and most importantly, resonate. The power of honest writing is that we see ourselves in everyone else. That is the potent connection that Listed aims to bring about.

One of the cool features of Listed, besides that your publishing capability is built right into Standard Notes, is that you can also have a custom domain name linked to your Listed Blog. For example, one of our community members, @GLSSJG, has mapped the domain of to go right to their Listed Blog.

And, when you add a custom domain to your Blog, you also get a free HTTPS URL to ensure that all visits to your Listed Blog remain encrypted. If you'd like to set up a custom domain for your own blog, read here.

This week, we've seen one member's review of the POP!_OS Linux distribution, another that's shared their specific use cases for information management software, another sharing reasons for liking a particular series of books along with an introspective of their personal reading habits and experiences, and so much more.

With there being a healthy increase in activity within the Listed community, it goes to show that there's so much to share with one another, and that we can all benefit from each other's sharing of our thoughts, big and small. The good, the not-so-good, the motivational, and the inspirational. Honest writing is good writing, and this includes the profound and the mundane—from things authors found liberating and enlightening, to that which was tiring and frustrating. The value of an experience is not in how positive it was, but how truthfully it's told.

We believe in writing as a healthy and creative expression of one's self. We write for ourselves, and in turn, have come to deeply appreciate the bonds formed over the untold stories that seem only right on Listed. Thank you for writing truly, and freely.

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