21/10/21 sectratic seminar

Partner: Harshall

Well read, not too quick nor too slow
Started off relatively quiet
said 2 words but mumbled it while everyone was talking
Doesn't join into the conversation much within the group
the effect is that it helps the viewers understand about the effect of the article.
Quoted the article, used evidence, good point.

He asks lots of questions in his article
helps the reader think about the topic.
Harshall joined in the discussion briefly
Is it allowed to be this opinionated?
I think yes.
Emma says it can impact how persuasive he is. Isn't balanced when he is biased to one side, so it is bad.
Who's the article meant for
Us readers, people interested in this topic.
Who does more harm, NSA or Snowden?
NSA did more harm, Snowden leaked them to make sure they do less harm, but at the same time he created a program that the NSA used a lot. (not that he wanted it to be used in a bad way but it was)
Structure of article?
Structure builds up, starts very informative and logical, and ends up getting more opinionated. He asks many questions, which is also showing his opinion. And italicises "they" for more opinion (Sarah)
Harshall agrees with Olivia, that Greenwald is biased towards the NSA and stands for the US citizens, I also agree.

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