
We are forced upon a structure of technology that is based on cartesian mathematics. Art and design should not disconnect from our natural environment Disassociating our art with nature causes a non Terrestrial thinking Our artificial systems are clearly not working and are not sustainable We should use the support we got from nature to build on in our own pace. We need to destroy the boundary between our cartesian systems and the organic systems that nature propose If we want a more sustainabl...
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Reflection on 'DISCRIMINATING SYSTEMS’ and ‘New Ways of Seeing' (draft)

The main theme within the podcast and the essay is about the lack of knowledge of the regular users of digital technologies and network infrastructures. While the creators of these technologies on the other hand gain complete control of these systems which we very much depend on. Technology gets more and more simplified for the user by hiding all technical systems behind and in the meanwhile technology gets more and more advanced, all while hidden under a layer of easy to use experiences. Mobil...
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Review of Donna Haraway: Tentacular Thinking: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene.

Donna Haraway reflects on climate change and how the government responds to it. Haraway divides this in three different time frames: Anthropocene, Capitalocene and Chthulucene. Anthropocene is rather cynical term seen as the time frame when humans significantly started impacting the earth’s ecosystem leading to the current climate crisis and more importantly, damage which is irreversible . According to Haraway the term Capitalocene would suit this crisis better, since that would focus it more on...
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Research question & learning goals

Digital Craft research - Max Rentmeester Research question: How does home automation control daily rituals? How dependent are we on modern technologies? Learning goals Learn the systems behind these technologies in a critical way and learn what happens with the data gathered by these companies. Learn how to exploit a technology and find a new use of it. ...
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