Summer 2024 : Haarlem to Berlin - is a long way!

After a rotten night's sleep we were awake and had the coffee machine on before our B&B host had delivered breakfast.

Somehow we managed to get up and ready in - for us - record time. The effect of that was that we got to Amsterdam in plenty of time to wait for our train, and to discover the difficulties of buying two cup of Starbucks coffee, two lumps of cake and then trying to get through the ticket barrier using the phone in the other hand!

There was some confusion about our seat reservations - a bit of finger trouble on my part - resolved amicably. The 6 hour journey to Berlin was in an old school compartment coach - first class of course! Comfortable but the carriages are certainly showing their age.

Getting off at Ostbahnhof meant that our hotel was almost directly opposite - so only a short walk today. The Shulz hotel is an odd mixture of Backpaker Hostel and business hotel (with prices at the business end!) Currently enjoying the burgers in the on site restaurant (can't recommend the Ice Tea though, and no apfelschorle? Wot?)

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