Summer 2024 : A day in Berlin

I slept better last night than I have in ages!

The hotel has a communal kitchen - I found the mug and made my wife a cup of tea while she was in the shower - and what a splendid shower it is. It's a pity the floor is so slippery!

Very good breakfast that will set us up for what looks to be a hot day.

We spent the morning looking at the art on the East Side Gallery walls and brushing up on the history of Berlin in the mid 20th century. The artworks were better than I expected, some being truly jaw dropping. (No photos on here as they are too big)

After a quick call back into our hotel room we set off to the Pankow Arts Festival in Schönhausen Palace gardens - which was one of the best €3 each we've spent in a long time. Lots of craft stuff, lots of art, lots of children's activities.we spent a while sitting behind the palace in the peace of the garden before going to listen to live music - some of which was excellent, but some of it was jazz....

The interior of the palace was a little disappointing, but it was interesting to see where Fidel Castro slept, and Riasa Gorbachov went to the loo. And of course Papa Piek's huge desk.

I've popped my cherry with Wurst and now am a fan of bratwurst, having eaten two along with a portion of Pommes.

The tram on the way back decided to divert off the route - couldn't understand the announcements, but we came back via NordBahnhof.

Seriously tired feet, but a very good day.

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