Welcome to Needle It *

Needle It is a unified and all-in-one health tool. Weather you are healthy, recovering or in the midst of a health cirisis, Needle It can help you recover and maintain good health.

The interest in lifestyle decisions and their impact is growing and it will only get stronger as we establish that most of our health issues are linked not to a virus, bacteria or trauma but rather to the choices we make in our daily life.

Modern research confirms what the common sense tells us - our health is a result of the coices we make regarding sleep, the food we put into our bodies, the amount of time we spend moving each day, how we address stress in our lives.

Needle It makes it easier to choose things that will benefit you in the long run and be able to instantly turn down what is harmful. In addition, Needle It offers a clear path to fast(er) recovery from any and all illness.

I'll use this Listed channel to post in a linear fashion so for maximum benefit, please read the posts in the order they were published. All posts were written with you in mind but those with specific (practical) application have a star (*) in their title.

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