Why bother?...

Because your body is your biggest asset and nothing will ever come close to it's value. Think of Steve and the 14 BILLION dollars that he had but it couldn't save his life...

We are left to ourself to figure out how best to use our bodies and how to keep them in a good working order. No elementary or even middle school in the world teaches us the basics of health: how to manage our stress, how much to sleep, what to eat or even: why exercise... It is hard to believe but of all the things we are taught, health has somehow been forgotten...

When you think about it, all of your success and failure in life is derectly connected to how healthy and strong you are, how much energy you have to push harder or last longer at a task. It all goes back to how much energy one has to face and overcome problems, to keep evolving and learning. When the resources get low, there is no ability to make progress or anything else.... we are doomed to consume and unable to create and build.

Needle It can help you as it provides an all around coverage of how body works (far beyond what western medicine addresses), why things go wrong and what are the things you can do to rapidly bring your vessel back into a good working order. Needle It is really unique because it combines what Chinese medicine offers in terms of complete understanding of how your body works with modern research and common sense to offer you a one-stop solution for all of your health questions and decisions.

Needle It doesn't actually require that you use any needles - the name is merly a reference to the Chinese medicine theory that is the foundation of how we can better manage our health.

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