Life Force

Life force (or Chi as Chinese call it) is the energy that we carry inside our body. Western medicine does not acknowledge existance of energy in the body because it can not measure it (yet) so theoratically when you say "today, I have no energy" a western doctor will just stare at you without any comment on what you just said. Yet, in every language there is an equivalent to "I feel like I have no energy" statement and all humans know exactly what is meant by it.

But what is this Chi?... From the Chinese medicine point of view, it is the energy needed to feed all of our tisues and organs (that Chinese reffer to as Officials) so our body can keep making more energy and keep living. We can see it as a form of electrical energy that is made, moved and stored in the body. It is essential for all of our performace, on every level, it allows us to operate and to thrive - depending on how much of it we have. When the reserves are low, we are doomed to watching a screen every night because there is nothing more we can achieve with the amount of energy we have. When we have abundance of it, we are productive, engaged, going out of our way to live a fuller life.

And when we die, we rarely die because we run out of blood - it is always because our body run out of energy for heartbeat or another breath.

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