1. Law of Energy *

This most fundamental Law of Chinese philosophy states that "everything is energy". Energy takes many forms and everything we see around us is just a variation, a different form of energy.

The Life Force that Chinese refer to as Chi and say it powers our bodies is just one of many forms of energy. Just like with plants or animals, energy shows variety and endless variation.

Our body can be seen as a machine that generates energy. We need to put in a fuel and the "machine" does the rest. We always need more energy so we can keep going, keep evolving. When we run out of energy needed to survive - we die.

Modern humans lack the tools to measure our body's energy levels, we don't even have a metric for it, let alone a way to measure it. But we all know when we are "charged" and we have all experienced what it is like to feel "flat" and low on energy.

We should consider that it is true that our life depends on how much energy we can produce. Choosing to agree with this, we can not go wrong - we will only benefit, create a win-win for our health.

Embracing that one's "task is to make more energy" is the most powerful way to start building your health.

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