2. Law of Yin & Yang *

There is a duality in our Universe that we see everywhere. The tall and short, plus and minus, dark and bright, male and female... it is something that Chinese observed thousands of years ago. They formalized this observation into the 2nd fundamental Law of their philosophy. This is the Law of Yin and Yang.

It is interesting to consider that unlike western sciences, Chinese sciences are actually all based on their Philosophy - everything is consisent and connected unlike in the West were math and physics may not fully match or chemistry will have it's own Laws not impacting another science - as if chemistry or physics don't exist to understand and explain the same natural phenomenon.

But back to Yin and Yang!... The Law states that all enegry can be Yin or Yang when compared to something else. A sunny side of a mountain is Yang compared to mountain's shaded side (Yin). A female is Yin compared to a male (Yang). A shout is Yang compared to a whisper (Yin).... this duality is everpresent in our Universe.

Yang is white, loud, bright, agressive, masculine... Yin is black, quiet, dark, passive and feminine.

We use the Yin and Yang Law in healing and the work of planning and restoring one's health. We know of Alcaline and Acidic (one is Yin and the other is Yang) foods so we can plan balancing our diet by including more of what was missing, we can plan our exercise (Yang) and our sleep (Yin) to achieve a more balanced lifestyle, we can use the idea of Yin and Yang in everything we do in effort to stay healthy and live well.

Finally, the 12 main organs in the body are organized in Yin - Yang pairs. One is a Yin with a partner being a Yang organ. Here are the pairs:

Yin - Yang
Heart - Small Intestine
Kidney - Bladder
Paricardium - Tripple Heater
Liver - Gallbladder
Lung - Large Intestine
Spleen - Stomach

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