The Human Condition Theory *

We live in a time of excess in every way, information excess included. A month doesn't go by that we don't hear of a new health solution, better way to do things, a product that will give one wellbeing and a longer life. You don't have to be a sceptic to challenge many of these ideas but how do you actually know what will work and what will not bring you the promissed bliss?

Many of the new ideas and treatments we hear of make sense but because it is new, no idea and a new product has been tested long enough. And that is the most important test - the test of time.

Human Condition Theory is the tool to help you sort out what is a good idea / diet / treatment to follow and what will just make you a guinea pig for someone else's product or experiment. The Human Condition Theory states that:

"in order to gain and maintain health, we should do things that all humans did: across races, across cultures and across time."

This very simple rule can be your best guide in daily decisions regarding all things health. How much to sleep? What to eat? How much exercise we need? What about stress?... just ask yourself how much of these things do centenarians do? Because no one lives a 100 by using medication and/or medical interventions... they live to a 100 because they are healthy and well. Their bodies keep making more energy and keep repairing long past the point when people on medication(s) expire.

Human Condition Theory (HCT) will not lie - these choices and solutions have made humans the dominant species on this planet. To excell and conquer we had to stay strong, creative, engaged and connected with other humans. We had to produce offspring, raise them to become humans integrated into our community, able to contribute to eveyone's success. So HCT won't lie, we have records going back for thousands of years that show us what we did to succeed.

And unlike other modern theories, this one is a rare one that is a 100% tried and true.

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