What is our target? *

Good health is not "a lack of symptoms" as western medicine would have you think. Good health is a state where we are able to perform at high level on all of our 5 levels of health:

  • physical
  • intelectual
  • emotional
  • spiritual and
  • sexual

So what does the "perform at a high level" look like? As a whole, we feel happy and we regularly feel bliss - a feeling many forgot but it looks like loving everyone when you step on a street, feeling like you want to give everyone a hug, a feeling of loving life and loving our place in the world.

On the physical level "performing at a high level" means that we are capable of being active (run or jog, climb a tree or thread water for 30 minutes) without getting exhausted and it means that we also relax, do nothing, contemplate life without getting anxious or restless. It means good tone to our muscles, good energy when we wake up, good immunity in the flu season.

On the intelectual level, good health is is ability to solve problems that arise every day, having good memory, good focus and ability to aquire new knowledge without major effort.

On emotional level we show stable mood and it takes a while before we get upset or discouraged. We feel emotions however - we can cry for someone else's pain and suffering. We are emotionally available, getting sad, happy or contemplative according to our circumstance and environment.

On the spiritual level we feel connected when we are "performing at a high level". We are not in our own bubble, we reach out to friends and family on regular basis, we want to know how are others doing, can we help them with something, can they have an opportunity to help us?... Spiritual health in modern humans has degraded more than the physical health. When a person wants to shoot people they have foggoten that we are all someone's children and "no one wins unless everyone wins"... This is simple to understand intelectually but spirituality requires that we "connect to the world" on a deep level. Something that requires practice and effort...

FInally, on the sexual level, when humans are well, they engage not just to satisfy their hormonal need - they connect intimatelly for the sake of themselves and their partners. When we are sexually healthy, we are inquisitive, curious, daring to go out of our way to please another and through that process achieve unity and experience not available to any one person alone.

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