HIY - emotional test *

In the emotional part of the test we focus on the prevailing emotions we experience and any emotions that show up in extreme form.

Five Element theory contends that there are five "main" emotions and they are connected to each of the Elements:

Wood = Anger
Fire = Joy (or lack of Joy)
Earth = Worry
Metal = Sadness
Water = Fear

Each one of the Elements is connected to a different pair of the 12 "main" organs. So when we experience imballance on emotional level, we can actually tell where (with which organs) does the underlying problem lies...

These are the organs connected to each Element, in each pair, the first organ is Yin and the second one is Yang.

Liver + Gallbladder = Wood
Heart + Small Intestine = Fire
Peracadium + Tripple Heater = Fire
Spleen + Stomach = Earth
Lung + Large Intestine = Metal
Kidney + Bladder = Water

The emotional test, just like the physical, intelectual, spritual and sexual tests will tell us not just where the deficiencies may be but also what organ do they point to. As you will see in the process of healing, we can start adujusting our daily decisions to positively impact organ, a pair of organs or even multiple pairs of organs. This is a very mechanical and practical process with zero "side effects" or risk - our healing should always be like that....

To measure your emotional health score, ask yourself the following questions:

  • what is the prevailing feeling or a feeling I often experience in excess? Is it Anger or the Lack of joy or Worry or Sadness or maybe Fear?

  • how long have I had this situation? A year, five, ten or maybe for decades?

  • is there anything that triggers a wave of this feeling? How often do I feel extreme of this feeling?

Here is a 10 step scale you can use to assign yourself a score for emotional health:

10 - it is impossible to control my emotions without medication
9 - I often loose it and get in trouble because of what I say or do
8 - I am very pessimistic and fearful
7 - I often push people away from me
6 - my mood widely swings
5 - I feel lack of joy most of the time
4 - my mood is usually stable
3 - I am usually in a good mood, feel optimistic
2 - I feel joy every day, even bliss on some days
1 - I feel moments of bliss regularly
0 - I love the world and feel like I am kin to everyone I meet

I should add a warrning: what I present here is not a treatment plan or even a suggestion. This blog is a set of articles on alternetive ways of seeing health and things you can safely add to your lifestyle while under your doctor's observation and while following your doctor's instructions... so please consider this as a "for your information only" and a "just an opinion" source.

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