HIY - spiritual test *

The spiritual health test is meant to show your relationship with the world around you. This is not on a "social" level and not to measure how socially connected you are. In fact, most of us engage in social media as if that is a way to "connect" while it cleaerly it is making us more isolated and feeling inadequate.

The spiritual health is not researched enough and we don't know much from the western scientific point of view. But we do observe that every culture, every race across time has engaged in and developed spiritual conversations. From the neolitic communities to Amazon tribes and Australian indigenous people, humans always tried to explain the world and their own place in it.

And this is something we need today more than ever because we all are detached from the earth, nature, the food chain and productionmore then ever before... we struggle like little kids do to understand what to do, what is the "right thing", how to lead a life that can produce happiness on regular basis.

To start understading your spiritual health, you should start with the "what is the reason for my life?" and come up with an answer that is logical and useful to you. We rarely go to this conversation and it is not a question that seems like much but this is a shortcut to what is your purpose in this world and how can you integrate in a healthy way with the world around you. Spirituality is not about God - God is just one of many possible ways to interprete reality. To be healthy, one should start seeking their own interpretation... spirituality is but about the world around us.

To get some sort of a benfchmark for your spiritual health, ask yourself if you feel connected to the world around you. Do you see the people you depend on for your survival: the food store clerks, the mass transit personel or the gas station staff? Are you aware that without hundreds of people that show up to work every day, the life as you know it will colapse in a day? Are you aware how dependant you are on all of these people and yet you may treat them with indifference, disrespect or even worse?

Your ability to manufacture happiness depends on many others but can you see this? If you don't, you should record this somewhere as you will need to address it soon.

The scale you could use to tell how spiritually healthy you are is below:

10 - I think of murdering or harming strangers
9 - it feels good to inflict pain on animals and watch how they react
8 - I don't care if animals or other people die, this is their problem
7 - I think it is okay to hurt someone else to get what I want
6 - I think my race / nation is different from others
5 - my family comes above everyone else
4 - I like to volunteer to help other living things
3 - it makes me happy to help a random stranger
2 - I am looking / have found a purpose for my life
1 - I would give my life to save someone else's
0 - I know if I die today that I had an incredible journey and the world I leave behind is better because of my actions

The score of 0 is very rare. 1 - 4 is where many people live on their way to score 0. The 5 to 8 is probably where most of humanity resides, gradually moving down the scale. The 9 and 10 levels enter what we define as pathology but are just levels of our detachment from the world around us...

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