Reading HIY test scores *

Using the 5 HIY test can give you an insight into where your overall health is. This is important for two reasons: the first is that you want your total score to be 0 - 25 points. Everything above 25 points is the zone where ability for good daily performance and reasonable happiness will start to fade and get out of reach. The second reason to do this test is to catch possible red flags (the scores above 5 ) that you may have.

As you will see in the upcoming Five Element posts, Chinese theory says that our health is the result of the work of 12 officials that "make, move and store energy in our body". This is not that far-fetched as everything we are starts from the body itself - no idea or emotion could exist without your physical body. So if we recognize the body as a source of all of our manifestation (on emotional, intellectual or other levels) we are creating a space that we could control, improve and fine-tune. The idea that our organs create who were are on every level is revolutionary but also incredibly holistic and convenient. And Chinese medicine explains everything we do in every level through this idea that it is the individual organs who make things happen.

The score you have can help you quickly focus on best ways to improve your health. If your score is below 15 points, you can improve it by looking at the Human Condition Theory and the choices that you make in your daily life.

If you are in the 15 - 25 point range, the Chinese medical theory can help you improve it to a score of 15 and lower. Focus on the 4 Riders of Apocalypse to narrow down your immediate targets of change. You should also use the Human Condition Theory to keep giving your body what it was made to receive.

If your score is in the 25 - 30 point range, you have a chance to focus on specific issue(s) by using the three fundamental Laws of Chinese philosophy / medicine: the Law of Chi, the Law of Yin and Yang and the Law of Five Elements.

Finally, if your score is above 30 points and you are seeing multiple issues that produce multiple scores of above 6 or 7, the Needle It method should be combined with some acupuncture, ideally a Five Element type. There are schools in the US and UK that train Five Element acupuncturists and there are practitioners of this branch of Chinese acupuncture all over the world. If you are suffering from a 6 or grater score in any of the five tests, you are likely to feel that there is nothing to loose - I highly recommend trying acupuncture.

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