Dealing with stress

We're not coached to address stress, not even informed about it's impact. Buy that doesn't mean that we can't make effort to combat it and offset the damage it creates.

Most people exercise to try to get rid of stress. This is a very effective way to restore the inner flow of blood and energy as exercise literally pumps through the barriers created by stress. Unfortunately, once we stop exercising, the tension returns...

When looking at what stress is, you may notice that "stress looks like friction between reality and one's idea of reality". In other words, stress can be seen as a situation in which we are expecting one outcome but receiving a message that the desired outcome may not materialize.

This is why playing the game of a " worst case scenario" is a good tool for combating stress. If I'm unhappy about my day, I try to compare it to a day of a miner, digging coal 3000 meters below the surface, 12 hours per day, 6 days a week... all of a sudden, my daily becomes more manageable...

If changing one's perception of reality can aliviate stress then the way to combat it and it's consequence is to engage in spiritual conversation of one's purpose and gratitude we feel for the good things we have.

Just like Jesus or Buddha wouldn't stress under most conditions, we should work on accepting the reality and it's conditions. This is what spirituality is and probably why it existed in every culture, every race, across time - to help us offset the fear, worry and stress in daily life.

We learned to explain the world, we created Gods and ferries to give us hope that if we did the right thing all will be well. That is why sayings like "it must have happened for a reason" or "who knows why is that good" are so widely and universally accepted.

This is why we need to practice to accept anything we can not control. At least: keep trying to do so...

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