Poor sleep

The 2nd Rider of Apocalypse is the lack of sleep. Sleep is a necessity and every living thing sleeps with regularity and abundance.

Human sleep patterns used to be natural but started changing with the arrival of electricity as people started staying up later at night. Radio and TV accelerated this change and finally Internet and social media took our lack of sleep to a whole new level.

Nowadays, populations of Japan and the USA sleep the least. 6 hours and 6 hours and 15 minutes per average. This means that millions of people sleep even less as we know that millions get their 8 hours per night. It may be connected that Japan and the USA lead the world in dementia, Parkinsons and Altzhaimers diseases...

The Human Condition Theory tells us that people should sleep about 8 hours per day, about the same as other primates do. Modern science agrees and if you observe people who live healthy lives into their 90s, and beyond it , you see that they do the same.

We are not sure about all that happens in the body as we sleep, what are the beneficial processes, when do they take place, what happens if they don't complete. But we all know what how horrible we feel when sleep deprived so it is reasonable to assume that we need as much sleep as it takes to feel fully charged and ready to take on the new day.

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