Things your body needs on intellectual level *

So your health and "rebuilding your health" start from the physical level. In case of your intellectual abilities, it is clear that your brain can not function without the steady stream of glucose and oxygen that your body can provide only if it is healthy.

But just like your physical body, your intellect needs stimulation and exercise. Your brain is just like any muscle, if you don't use it - you lose it. In Chinese medical theory "Heart opens to the mind". This means that to have a healthy mind, one needs a healthy Heart. Romans observed the same thing: Mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body) 1800 years ago...

Chinese medicine proposes that all of our abilities and qualities come from our Organs. The 12 "officials" in charge of making, moving and sitting energy define who we are on every level. So taking care of your intellectual health starts with the health of your Heart and it's partners: Small Intestine, Pericardium and Triple Heater.

These four organs that represent Fire element need connection to other humans, that is what Fire element represents. So, in order to improve your intellect, reach out to other humans: family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. Interact as it is natural for social brings, we always needed others to survive and in the modern world in which we don't produce or food or clothing, we need others more than ever. If you are single, pursue an intimate relationship, even if you don't feel like it - sometimes just staying in that conversation stimulates Fire as much as if you actually had a sweetheart.

Practicing daily joy is what Fire organs need. Laughter, play, pranks, comedy all stoke up the Fire organs and bring joy and warmth to the body.

Playing any games is very beneficial for your intellect but so is playing musical instruments, learning multiple languages, solving crossword puzzles, sudoku, etc. Getting out of one's comfort zone, expecting the unexpected - those are the things that stimulate your organs and your brain. And learning, always learning new material. To keep your intellect and your memory healthy, use them every day.

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