Things your body needs on spiritual level *

Spirituality is how we see the world and our place in it. It is easy to see how essential it is to our wellbeing - how relaxed or how happy can you be if you perceive that world is a very dangerous place or if you thing that your life is in imminent danger?...

Spirituality has been with humans since the beginning of time. Across races and across all cultures people created Gods and supernatural to explain what the world is and what their place in it is.

Spirituality doesn't just provide (possible) explanations about the world and how it is structured, spirituality is the most important tool in managing stress and on our path of evolution.

So we all need it, beyond any choice. We each need and automatically create structures around us that provide explanation and safety in our immediate and wider realty.

But we should consciously add purpose and gratitude. We should learn to do this in school or from our parents unfortunately these items seem less important then geometry or grammar...

The purpose (or "agency") is the way we interpret our reason for being here. The purpose is common to all things living - everything serves something else and when it stops, every living thing becomes food for other living things. From fruit trees to bees and bunnies to human beings, everything serves something...

Our mental health and therefore our whole wellbeing is conditioned on having a purpose to be here. Making money and having a family will not cut it, even with the least aware or least evolved people. We all need to know that we are useful to something before happiness and calm can settle in.

Finding a purpose in modern world is harder than ever which is a paradox - we are more dependent on other people (and their ability to perform their jobs) than any generation of humans. But we have been told for so long that we are "great", that we "can have everything", that happiness can be found in mindless consumption... We have lost the edge, the desire to contribute, provide, take responsibility for anything more than ourselves and perhaps our inner circle.

In addition to creating a purpose, we also need to acknowledge the good things we have. It is very hard to do this too - we've been told for years that happiness can't arrive until we get that.... (car, house, spouse... ).

But happiness can not be build on a "glass half empty" - you'll be always waiting for something to complete it. Happiness is available only if you see the glass as half full - only if you activate gratitude.

Spirituality is a necessary ingredient of ease and only when we create ease can we see what being healthy really feels like. To start, ask yourself "who or what purpose am I serving in this world?" . "How do I justify taking space and using up oxygen on this planet?"...

These questions and their answers are a good step on your spiritual journey and your health will respond positively to them...

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