Happiness and No Pain *

This is an obvious one - Happiness is impossible if you're in pain. All of the other 4 components of Happiness (Agency, Outlook, Gratitude & Energy) are compromised in a state of constant discomfort.

Pain makes one the prisoner of one's own body - living in a separate world that other people can not see or touch.

Pain is a communication device body uses to signal a need for blood, energy, attention and protection of it's part. Like appetite, pain is how body signals what it needs in order to repair and thrive.

When it comes to pain, all bets are off and you should consider doing whatever it takes to address it. From medication and surgery to acupuncture needles, to addressing the underlying problems and patterns.

Getting rid of pain is a top priority as Western medicine discovered long ago - health is much easier to restore when the patient is comfortable. Brining comfort brings "ease" and often ease was all the body needed to address the underlying problem.

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