Sri Bhagavan on spiritual laws and right perception

Sri Bhagavan: The physical universe is governed by physical laws such as gravity, while the mental and spiritual universe are governed by spiritual laws. If you do not know these laws you experience road blocks on your life's path of progress.

One of the laws is the law of right perception - as is your perception, so is your reality. If your perception of the universe is that it is mechanistic, lifeless, so will be the universe to you. If on the other hand, your perception is that the universe is a living entity, and is a sentient being, you enter a world of possibilities, immense possibilities.

You're actually living in a responding universe. The universe is nothing but consciousness. You are consciousness. The other is consciousness. All that is is consciousness. Consciousness is sentient. What is this consciousness saying? It says, "I manifest your perception." It says, "I am that." "That" refers to your perception. "I" refers to consciousness. Consciousness is like the ocean. Perceptions are like the waves that arise and subside on this ocean.

If your perception says there cannot be financial abundance owing to the economic crisis, the sentient universe will say, "So be it." and you experience scarcity. If you adopt a negative perception that times are bad, world is dangerous and unsafe for me, you are going to be tense and unhappy, which would in turn manifest a problematic situation in life.

If your perception, on the other hand, is that there is abundance every-where, the universe will throw open her treasures no matter what the external circumstances are. Remember, great leaders hold great perceptions, and hence create extraordinary realities. ะตะตั

There are no facts, only perceptions."

The glass could be seen as half full or half empty.

~Sri Bhagavan

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