Bhagavan on mind - Important
"Mind likes to create duality. & the most prominent way for the mind is to create doubt in you. The doubt gives birth to disbelief, lack of faith & resistance. which leads to dislike and makes you indifferent. That very relationship which you loved the most, Now brings you anger, hatred and creates a sense of separation in you. All this happens when you start doubting. In doubt you resist the reality of the "what is" But, with intense awareness, you will know the roots of it. It...
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Sri Bhagavan on being a divine friend
All our life, our dream is to have a friend, a friend who comes with you anywhere and everywhere to help you in your suffering. A friend to take care of you, a friend who never judges you, a friend who gives you love without any expectation, a friend who always loves you and you only. Is it possible that there is anybody who can come and help us? Who can live for us alone? Is there anybody who listens to the call of my heart as I call? Comes and answers my prayers? Such a friend who never judges...
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Sri Bhagavan Message on Gratitude
SRI BHAGAVAN’S MESSAGE ON GRATITUDE: Q: Bhagavan, lord says that gratitude is the very important emotion. Being your devotees we have been experiencing lot of miracles Bhagavan, but gratitude doesn’t continue. What should we do and how to grow in gratitude towards Amma Bhagavan? Sri Bhagavan says::: Man by nature is ungrateful. A Grateful person is a superior person. People who are very evolved through past lives will have gratitude. Now how to distinguish between a superior human being and inf...
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Sri Bhagavan on Inner and Outer World
What is applied to the inner world should not be applied to the external world. In the inner world you do nothing. In the external world you must do everything. In the inner world, you stay where you are. If there is jealousy, you stay there. That is all. That is the only truth. But in the external world you want to buy a house, you want to earn some money, you want to get this, you want to get that. The best thing is to ask for it, that is all. The moment there is inner integrity, your link wi...
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Sri Bhagavan on Desires
DESIRES Sri Bhagavan: There is nothing wrong in asking for worldly things. But as you said, you must first have your worldly problems solved. You must first ask for wealth, health, relationships and then for spiritual things. Padapranams dear Sri Bhagavan, I don't have desires, what should i do? Sri Bhagavan: If you suffer from discontent or unhappiness from this condition, then you've got to stay with it. You should not try to do any changes or put in any effort but simply embrace the situat...
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Sri Bhagavan on How Homas Work
Padapranams Sri Bhagavan, How do homas work? Sri Bhagavan: Homa is the language of the unconscious. If we just sit and participate in the homa, that is enough and it will get into the unconscious. There are tribes in Europe. When a line is drawn around a person in these tribes with a stick, he can not come out unless someone comes and erases the line. Such things are programmed in unconscious. Unconscious is 20 million times more powerful than conscious mind. Udu tribe in Africa just send a st...
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SRI BHAGAVAN on SETTING RIGHT RELATIONSHIPS the IMPOSSIBILITY of CHANGE, and the PRESENCE as AWARENESS: Query: Bhagavan I have been trying to set right my relationship with my father for several years now, yet I still think he is an idiot. One part of me does not seem to like him or want to have anything do with him, at the same time another part of me feels guilty about this and bad for giving him more pain than he is already carrying and this part feels compassion for him, which I’m not able ...
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Sri Bhagavan on everything fully experienced transforms into joy
Sri Bhagavan: EVERYTHING FULLY EXPERIENCED TRANSFORMS INTO JOY SRI BHAGAVAN: "Pleasure and pain, good and bad, gain and loss are inevitable as also inseparable experiences of life. To separate one from the other, to push one and pull another is ignorance. Assuming loss today might be the gateway to a gigantic gain tomorrow. Embedded inside pain could be the seeds of love. The conflict and the struggle that you are going through at this very moment could as well be a blessing in disguise. To kn...
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Sri Bhagavan on How to attain peace?
Padapranams Sri Bhagavan, What should we do to attain peace in our lives? BHAGAVAN:If you want peace you should not search for it. You must realize when you put in effort to get peace, that very effort destroys peace. Effort in any form in the inner world is conflict. You are here; you want to go elsewhere. So, you put in effort. That effort is the conflict. But if you would realize that effort is destructive and that effort does not take you anywhere, it would automatically drop.Absence of eff...
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Sri Bhagavan on bringing joy in life
Padapranams Sri Bhagavan, Sometimes there are less things happening in life. Boredom makes the joy feel far away. How can I keep the joy? Thank you Sri Bhagavan.🙏 🌸🌸🎠🎠🎠🌸🌸🎠🎠🌸🌸 Sri Bhagavan: Joy is your true nature. What you are talking about is pleasure. Pleasure and joy are very different. Joy needs nothing. Joy is totally unconditional. Anything gives you joy. For example, I just stay in a room, I don’t go out anywhere except when I come to meet westerners who come here, to give a talk to th...
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Sri Bhagavan on What is love ?
Padapranams Sri Bhagavan, what is love Sri Bhagavan, and if love has to be a permanent emotion in me, what should I do? Sri Bhagavan: What is love - we cannot talk about that. What is not love - we can talk about. Love is not attachment, love is not possession, love is not controlling somebody, love is not making use of somebody, love is not all that you conceive of. You cannot know love but you can experience love. The only thing that we can talk about that it is unconditional. If you love som...
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Sri Bhagavan on the journey to Awakening
Padapranams Sri Bhagavan, Can you kindly talk to us about the Journey into Awakening? 🌸🌸🌸🎠🎠🎠🌸🌸🌸🎠🎠 Sri Bhagavan: You should understand that people are in different levels of growth. These levels of growth depend on the programming that happens during conception, when you are in the womb, during delivery, 6 hours after delivery, and so on. People are different. There are different levels of growth - Some are in first, second, third, or tenth standards, colleges, and post graduations too. You can ...
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Sri Bhagavan on Wealth and Success
WEALTH AND SUCCESS "Creating wealth is a spiritual activity" ~Sri Amma Bhagavan. Your ability to create and retain wealth is determined by your relationship with money. Like everything else, money is a form of energy which is attracted to the energy that is like itself. Your relationship with anything determines how much of that thing you are attracting or repelling. Money does not exist by itself but it is always attached with the energy of the person who relates with it. The same money can b...
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Sri Bhagavan on to go after or give up
Padapranams Sri Bhagavan, would practicing contentment or being satisfied with what we have reduce one's Thank efficiency in the world? Is motivation to become popular or famous in the external world wrong? SRI BHAGAVAN: To me, nothing is wrong as long as it comes naturally to you. I believe in two kinds of dharma. One is the dharma of the mind and the other, the dharma of the heart. If your heart has not flowered, it means you are functioning within the framework of the mind. When you are lea...
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Sri Bhagavan on person vs personalities
For Contemplation Become conscious that there is no person inside you but, only personalities. These personalities dependently arise and cease. If you could become conscious of this within yourself, you could become conscious of this in others. Once that happens you would become non-judgmental. Once you become non judgmental, auspicious events start happening around you. These then lead to abundance and miracles. ~ Sri Bhagavan 🙏❤️ ...
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Sri Bhagavan on Supreme light and supreme love ❤️
SUPREME LIGHT Finally, the Kalki Antharyamin will take you to the Supreme Light. After you leave this world and body, you will meet the Supreme Light in 3 minutes. When you meet the Supreme Light, you will be filled with Supreme Love. The Supreme Light is the Supreme Love. That is why you have the Mahavakyas - I am the Supreme Light, Supreme love, etc. In that Supreme Love, you will see the review of your life just for 3 minutes. You will feel the pain you caused to others and judge yourself ...
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Sri Bhagavan on Enlightenment as a liberation of senses
ENLIGHTENMENT Sri Bhagavan: As the Mind becomes more and more slow, it stops. That is when the 5 senses are liberated. When there is seeing there is only seeing; when there is hearing, there is only hearing; when tasting there is only tasting; when smelling only smelling; when touching there is only touching. At that time, the Self is gone. That is when we say that the person is Enlightened. No description of enlightenment is of any use. It is nothing that you can imagine. Antharyamin Kalki wo...
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Sri Bhagavan on the Crowd Inside
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Sri Bhagavan on Awakening
Awakening Sri Bhagavan:: Once the needs of the self are satisfied to an extent, you are awakened and you can witness the Mind. Till then you think it is your mind. Actually, the Mind is ancient. It is not your mind or her mind. Suppose you have a disease like TB, you do not say it is your TB or his TB or her TB. IT is just TB or Cancer. Not your cancer, her cancer, etc. Witnessing this Mind is Awakening. Seeing happens automatically. The Mind slows - pauses and there is just seeing what is the...
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Sri Bhagavan on Gratitude (Being & Becoming)
BEING SADHANA: SEE HOW you DO NOT HAVE GRATITUDE. Becoming sadhana: Practice Gratitude consciously If you DO NOT HAVE Gratitude, Antharyamin will simply say 'NO' Antharyamin checks this first. You should be grateful for every small thing. You should be in Breakthrough condition too. Not in breakdown. Only in breakthrough state, we can install the Antharyamin powerfully. If you keep watching the negative things in TV and media, it is difficult to be in breakthrough state. If you are in breakthr...
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Sri Bhagavan on Desires
SRI BHAGAVAN ON DESIRES : 🌸🍀🌸🍀🌸❤️🍀🌸🙌🌸🍀 Yes! Now who put the desire in you? As far as I am concerned it is nature, God or whatever you want to call it. That only is responsible for having put the desire into you. You did not have yourself conceived! You were conceived, all things were put into you, you were brought up in the womb. You did not design yourself. So how can you be held responsible?The desire is what I call swadharma. It is there and I don’t see anything wrong with desire. The Buddh...
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Sri Bhagavan on spiritual laws and right perception
Sri Bhagavan: The physical universe is governed by physical laws such as gravity, while the mental and spiritual universe are governed by spiritual laws. If you do not know these laws you experience road blocks on your life's path of progress. One of the laws is the law of right perception - as is your perception, so is your reality. If your perception of the universe is that it is mechanistic, lifeless, so will be the universe to you. If on the other hand, your perception is that the universe ...
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Sri Bhagavan on witness consciousness
When you come out of prison you will see your mind is there intact. All your knowledge is intact, but you're out of it. It'll be working automatically and it will beautifully run your life. The problem is when you get involved. When you merely become a witness consciousness the mind is automatically functioning. ~ Sri Bhagavan ...
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Sri Bhagavan on are all things automatic or can we change reality?
Padapranams my dear Sri Bhagavan, If it is possible to create and change our reality with our thoughts and feelings, how is it possible that everything is happening automatically? 🌸🍀🙌🍀🌸🍀🙌🌸🍀🌸🍀 Sri Bhagavan: With your thoughts and with your feelings, you could change the reality. That is you can change reality. So the problem here is on the one hand we are saying, you could change your reality. You could change the programs. You could change the reality. On the other hand, we're saying it's all ...
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Sri Amma on art of listening and living
Amma's BEING TEACHING "ART of Listening is art of Living" This is Amma's teaching for the month. What is listening? Suppose your mother in law comes and tells you, 'you are a fool'. What do you have to do? You have to simply listen - 'i am a fool'. Instead of listening simply, you have all the unnecessary thoughts like - 'Ami a fool, i have done excellent things, she is not seeing or acknowledging; what does she think of herself? Is she perfect? She is so egoistic, cruel' - and so on. All yo...
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Sri Bhagavan on Clarity within mind
For Contemplation It is important that there is clarity within the mind, before we could get out of the mind. One should become conscious of the clutter and confusion that is happening within the mind, along with one's breath and body posture. This would bring clarity within the mind along with progress in all that one is doing. Sri Bhagavan ...
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Sri Bhagavan Teachings
Sri Bhagavan Teachings Sri Bhagavan Teachings Sri Bhagavan Quotes The ultimate blessing and the most transformative is to see our beloved Bhagavan and listen to him as he expounds on the various truths here's a playlist of Sri Bhagavan's videos. Below of some of the best nuggets of Sri Bhagavan's words of wisdom from over the years. ...
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