Sri Bhagavan on the journey to Awakening

Padapranams Sri Bhagavan, Can you kindly talk to us about the Journey into Awakening?
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Sri Bhagavan: You should understand that people are in different levels of growth. These levels of growth depend on the programming that happens during conception, when you are in the womb, during delivery, 6 hours after delivery, and so on. People are different. There are different levels of growth - Some are in first, second, third, or tenth standards, colleges, and post graduations too. You can be on different levels. People are not the same. That is why we have to talk about different things to different people.

Some people like to simply hear songs and dance happily. They do not want to burden themselves with Gnana( knowledge). They do not want any strain on their brain. They too keep growing. There are those who do not want rituals. They prefer Teachings and contemplation. Some people want both - the rituals and the Teachings and transformation. That is why we say there are 25 varieties of people. Buddha could see everything as a process of Awakening.

We have to talk about different things to different people. Initially, when we spoke about Mukti, people were not showing interest. They were more interested in getting solutions to their problems, how to be successful, etc. They were not interested in Mukti. Many confused Mukti with Moksha and asked why we were talking about Mukti while they were alive. They thought they can get Mukti only after death. There was a lot of confusion and we had to explain that Mukti is different from Moksha and Mukti can be experienced while they are alive.

Mukti, as we see, is different from Moksha but there were no takers for this. 8 people came for this program and only one was serious. Others came because we called them. They had not come to a level where they were interested in these things. These People were not even conscious of themselves. They were stuffed inside with too much knowledge that they were Atmans, great people. They could not understand when we told them that they were nothing but rubbish or septic tanks. We have always been saying that you were only septic tanks. No Atmans, at least not now. They had no Self-Knowledge. Some people accepted that they were rubbish. But they were not willing to see it. They simply said that they were septic tanks and accepted it but could not see it.

Who you are? You are one with a strong Self - highly Self-Centered, selfish. There is nothing but Self-Centeredness in you in everything. This is what you have to see in your every word, thought, and action. The Self and the Mind is filled with survival instincts. The Mind and the Self came for this only. Your parents, society, school, books - all teach you basic instincts of survival. All you did was for this survival. Being kind was also Self-Centered. You are NOT a Mukta. Only a Mukta can do it without Self-Centredness. You know only fear, worry, comparison, anger, hurt, hatred. You read many books that contain the wrong things. If someone is saying : 'I am Atman; Aham Brahmasmi', it is their Truth. 'I am Atman' makes no sense to you. You read something about their states and start craving for it.

People go to different destinations like Chennai, Bombay, Delhi. The paths to these destinations are different. If you want to go to Delhi you cannot take the path to Bombay; or if you are going to Bombay you cannot take a train to Calcutta. The destinations are different. That is why we say there are as many paths as there are as many people. (7 billion people will have 7 billion different paths). Deeksha helps you to find your path. That is the beauty of Deeksha. It is so far-reaching. It creates a variety of Muktas.

So you are not who you are. Look into yourself. You are full of pain. Your life is meaningless. You have no goal, no vision. Somehow you spend your day. In the name of responsibility, all the time you are escaping because you are a septic tank, rubbish. You go to this Teacher or that Teacher or some movie, or for something exciting.

We are trying to make you conscious of all these Mind games and its age old psychological needs. We say do not judge yourself, just see that you are in a rubbish pit. Don't condemn. Please become non-judgemental. Just become conscious. Some are sleeping still. Not even aware of a Self. In another country where we conducted a process a man of 45 was totally shocked to know he had a Self. When we asked, he said he did not know that he had a 'Self'.

Many of you are not conscious of the Mind going on inside you. You see a girl and say 'I love you'. You do not know that you love her only out of Self-Centeredness. When you say 'I love you' there is only Self-Centredness. The ACTUALITY, the reality is Self-Centredness only. You are concerned only about your survival. If we remove the Mind/Self, you will collapse. If we remove the Mind, your survival instinct has collapsed. If that collapses, you collapse. We want you to see that.

If you can see that 'I am jealousy, angry - that is the right word, though English does not have these words like that. And you should almost see these things* LIVE without condemning. You will know that you are in a cesspool of the same Mind that your forefathers had; an ancient Mind.* Only the body has changed. The pleasures, jealousy, fear, are the same. Same Mind, same brain, and same stuff. The cupboard is the same. What you have filled in that cupboard is different. What you are inside is the same. The same fear, the same comparison, jealousy, everything is the same. Just see it is the same without condemning it as good, bad, etc. See as though you see the sunrise or sunset.

Sri Bhagavan ā¤ļøšŸ™Œ

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