Sri Bhagavan on What is love ?

Padapranams Sri Bhagavan, what is love Sri Bhagavan, and if love has to be a permanent emotion in me, what should I do?

Sri Bhagavan: What is love - we cannot talk about that. What is not love - we can talk about. Love is not attachment, love is not possession, love is not controlling somebody, love is not making use of somebody, love is not all that you conceive of. You cannot know love but you can experience love. The only thing that we can talk about that it is unconditional. If you love somebody just because somebody is good looking, somebody is wealthy or popular or this or that obviously that is not love. But if you're not able to give any reason at all, then probably you have discovered love. That love is unconditional and such love is not an imaginary love.Thousands of people have discovered it and you can discover it. That is the purpose of human existence, Otherwise life is worthless.Genuine affection is to be affected by the other. This is the state of love that given to you as a personal experience in our Deekshas."Causeless love and limitless joy."

~Sri Bhagavan

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