Sri Bhagavan on bringing joy in life

Padapranams Sri Bhagavan, Sometimes there are less things happening in life. Boredom makes the joy feel far away. How can I keep the joy? Thank you Sri Bhagavan.๐Ÿ™
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Sri Bhagavan: Joy is your true nature. What you are talking about is pleasure. Pleasure and joy are very different. Joy needs nothing. Joy is totally unconditional.

Anything gives you joy. For example, I just stay in a room, I donโ€™t go out anywhere except when I come to meet westerners who come here, to give a talk to them. I just live in a simple room and thereโ€™s a lawn in front of that. When I look at the crow, it gives me great joy. When the crow caws, it gives me joy. If some dog is barking, that gives joy. When I see an ant moving, it gives me joy. Or a leaf shaking, it gives me joy. You donโ€™t need anything to give you joy. Joy is your natural state; anything and everything can give you joy.

But for that to happen you have to de-identify with the mind, the body and your thoughts. Then every moment there is joy. You do not have to be engaged in any activity to escape your boredom, because your true nature is joy, but youโ€™re not able to experience it. And thatโ€™s because your identifying all the time with your mind and your thoughts. If you can de-identify thereโ€™s just joy. You do not have to go to a movie, or to some dance, or to some party, thatโ€™s pleasure of course, which you can very well have, no problem with it, but joy needs nothing. That is your nature. Any simple thing will give you joy. Just looking at some human being gives you joy, a bird gives you joy, two people fighting can also give you joy. How beautifully they keep fighting. So everything; the perception changes. Thereโ€™s only joy all the time. You do not have to depend on anything to get joy. If you depend on something, that is pleasure, that is not joy. This is achievable. Iโ€™m not talking about something which is not achievable. I would not talk about those things. This is achievable and many people are in this beautiful state.

Sri Bhagavan โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™Œ

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