Sri Bhagavan on How to attain peace?

Padapranams Sri Bhagavan, What should we do to attain peace in our lives?

BHAGAVAN:If you want peace you should not search for it. You must realize when you put in effort to get peace, that very effort destroys peace. Effort in any form in the inner world is conflict. You are here; you want to go elsewhere. So, you put in effort. That effort is the conflict. But if you would realize that effort is destructive and that effort does not take you anywhere, it would automatically drop.Absence of effort is peace.

Whenever there's a doubt as to whether the inner guide is speaking or your own conditioning is influencing the answers, then the best way is to have a dialogue with the inner guide itself and ask the inner guide "are these your thoughts, are they my


The inner guide would itself clarify as to what is happening. The best way is to have a dialogue with the inner guide.

Sri Bhagavan

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