Sri Bhagavan on How Homas Work

Padapranams Sri Bhagavan, How do homas work? Sri Bhagavan: Homa is the language of the unconscious. If we just sit and participate in the homa, that is enough and it will get into the unconscious.

There are tribes in Europe. When a line is drawn around a person in these tribes with a stick, he can not come out unless someone comes and erases the line. Such things are programmed in unconscious. Unconscious is 20 million times more powerful than conscious mind.

Udu tribe in Africa just send a stick which is shown to the person, who dies after seeing it. Japanese have been chanting Sanskrit slokas continuously, when they were under a waterfall. Similarly, Sanskrit mantras are chanted in mountains in Sweden, by native Americans. Oldest and most ancient form of Sanskrit is being used by Japanese.

All these are loaded in collective unconscious, which empowers the Antharyamin to produce miracles. In short, homas are the messages sent to unconscious, to strengthen Antharyamin, which in turn fulfills all our prayers and gives all we want.

Sri Bhagavan

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