Sri Bhagavan on being a divine friend

All our life, our dream is to have a friend, a friend who comes with you anywhere and everywhere to help you in your suffering. A friend to take care of you, a friend who never judges you, a friend who gives you love without any expectation, a friend who always loves you and you only.
Is it possible that there is anybody who can come and help us? Who can live for us alone? Is there anybody who listens to the call of my heart as I call? Comes and answers my prayers?
Such a friend who never judges you, who helps you without expecting from us who loves us causelessly, who can live only for us. It could be Sri Kalki Bhagavathi Bhagavan. All that they want from us is call me from your heart. It doesn't matter whether you have prayed before. "They are waiting for us to call them. If you call Them, They will come immediately.
In this Aalaya Darshan, one would be bestowed a strong bond and friendship with your personal God.

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