Animal Behavior (Guest piece by Sun and Moon)

Look at how they stay around when
They want something
you cant get back
Look at how they want it seems
so evil, how long will this cat continue to ignore
Its just nature
Natual selection, overspent
Unfulfilled then uninspired
Depersonalized at the hands of
Some acting in the intersts of generals
Sitting on piles of penny and power
Like ants stacking a stash
So many dollars, more than one could ever need
Look how they coordinate thier vile efforts
Thougtful as the synchonized v above me
Then persons unidentified, defiled
Locked in a purity spiral
Humanity using their collective powers of good
For community good
And bad for destruction
Lives, living
Only sanctum is soiled
A pigsty among pearls
I see how it is, they are, and it goes
When I am down, sick, and suffering
Do not talk about it but we will
So selfish, only thinking about necessities
So unprovided, so morally destitute
Behind doors, within nests
Even the birds have enough sense
to know they shouldnt let their babies starve
So how can I be zen
Calm in the face of such things
Hypnotized beyond all compassion
Ablaze with surrender and defeat
The forest falls in fires
Running in a mazelike path of charred and smoking remnants
Here is the light
Whatever its is, its godly
A flame, an angel, a golden feeling
Listening then letting go
The individual repetetive cycles
Repulsive but necessary
A likening of observation
To measured existence
To destruction and the ineviable regrowth
To living by truth
As you have experienced it
In humility
In loving action
In sincerity
Resisting animal behavior
I catch it and warm it up
Because I know it is cold blooded
And it doesnt run away, maybe it is with his gorgeous lizardskin on, to go play in the dirt
or climb up trees
Even as I still and even stiller stay
Zen with palm curled
Creating a lizard sauna
Hoping it doesnt jump away
Yet I get it trapped indoors witj no sun
Providing warmth becuse
Yes animals get it
Animals know
It jumps away and sits on my pothos
Observing me now
I rubbed my face with exhaustion
As eight feral felines descend
on domestic treats outside
Supplimented by wild reptiles
My mind crawls over vines and branches
What is next on the list
Is this just survival
Know any cool facts about ball pythons?
Its due sometime
The only peace is sleep
I cant take another meltdown
Or day of flight or fight
This is animal behavior

-Sun and Moon

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