Hello! If you're reading this, you are very likely a person who is exploring your identity, has recently come out as trans, or is looking to learn more about gender and such in order to better support the people in your life. In case this makes it outside my circle of friends, I'll introduce myself. My name is Quill, I am a trans woman about a year and a half into transitioning. As I'm sure you'll see, I have very open and inclusive ideas on gender and sexuality (among many other things). This i...
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Chapter 0: The Man Who Would Become King

Once upon a time, in a world not so unlike our own, the King of the World was a mere man. He was born and raised to loving and successful parents, who eventually passed onto him a large inheritance of both wealth and humanity. The former he used wisely to travel the world, thus increasing the latter. He spent years exploring all the nations, with all their cultures, their peoples, and their magics. For you see, his world was full of magic. That's not to say that our own isn't, as long as you kn...
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