Pivot-to-AI.com: Sorry kid, we killed your robot
December 11, 2024•281 words
So, basically, never buy a tech product or service...
1) that doesn't work to your satisfaction in an off-line mode
2) from a start-up
3) from a company that's funded by venture capital
4) from a company that's going to be sold to a tech giant (Google, Meta, etc.)
Unfortunately, that would preclude buying pretty much any tech product or service these days.
This shifts the burden to the consumer: Do I trust this company for long enough to be happy with whatever value I can get before enshittification runs its course?
The problem with relying on unfounded trust (and, under capitalism, it's always unfounded) is that it eventually comes around to caveat emptor. You, the consumer, made the mistake of trusting these vipers! That makes the failure your responsibility for making a "bad" choice and letting the corporate decision-makers off the hook. They won't admit to problems before they're ready to bail out with their profits.
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Written and posted and copyrighted on 2024-12-11 by me. Quote me if you want (linking to this post would be nice, too) but no one and no thing have permission to slurp this into any LLM vomit factory as training data.