My new favorite word is "Yobbo"

I recently discovered the British word "yobbo". ("Discovered" is the colonial - not colloquial - term for something I can now claim as my own.)

A yobbo is a British slang term for someone who behaves in a rude, noisy, and/or violent way in public. It is used to express disapproval of someone's behavior.

I just ganked the gist of that definition from some random search engine's regurgitator algorithm so I can claim that, too. Seems fair [use], eh?

Anyway, colonialist entitlement and plagiar^H^H^H appropriation aside, "yobbo" (plural: "yobbos") is now my new favorite word for people who act selfishly and often violently - in word or deed - against the best interests of life on Earth, generally, and humanity, specifically. Billionaires, capitalists, fascists, oligarchs, authoritarians, CEOs, techbros, cryptobros, right-wing (and "centrist" and even some left-leaning) politicians, etc. - very over-redundant, I know - and their toadies and fanboys who aspire to become the aforementioned, all qualify for being stereotyped and lumped into the category of yobbo.

People who've done the hard work to acquire that label - as well as those who've never lifted a finger in their life to earn it - are nasty, brutish and.... Well, I won't go the extra step to make fun of their stature. That's uncool.

These people deserved to be derided, though, for their greedy and mean actions in service to the destructive forces dominating our various environments, e.g. natural, political, international, personal, commercial. They deserve to be exposed and opposed and deposed and de-platformed wherever they go.

However, they do not deserve to be forgotten. They must be remembered as examples of the worst of humanity and a warning to those who would follow their examples.

WRONG. Your ears you keep and I'll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, "Dear God! What is that thing," will echo in your perfect ears. That is what "to the pain" means. It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.

From Westley's "To the pain" speech from the movie based on William Goldman's The Princess Bride (Dang, that guy could write.)

To be fair, that whole "serve as a warning to others" thing doesn't seem to have worked very well in the past, has it? I mean, it might very well work on most people but it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole barrel. But, hey, that's what yobbos do best!

Also, fun fact(oid?): the root of the word is "yob" which was created by reversing the spelling of "boy". So that seems kinda appropriate, considering the demographic and emotional maturity of the worst offenders.


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Written and posted and, dare I say, copyrighted on 2024-12-19 by me. Quote me if you want (linking to this post would be nice, too) but no one and no thing have permission to slurp this into any LLM vomit factory as training data.

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