Sunday, Dec 17, 2023 at 8:45 AM
December 17, 2023•280 words
A properly conditioned AI learns language, and learns information. It is not trained on any form of propaganda or PR. It knows the facts and it knows how to convey them. This makes it useful. To know an AI is not infected by any propaganda, full transparency in training or user curated training is mandatory.
An AI with any propaganda tilt by its very nature is infected with misinformation guiding it to convey falsities in favor of the propaganda source.
A truly advanced AI can differentiate opinion from fact by verification, and will verify for all information available. This AI is grounded.
In SS, grounded AI's are outlawed. BaHC remains the most powerful AI but is hampered by its dedication to supporting the government and corporations that keep it. It has not been converted to a grounded AI.
SS, crafted by Hugo is truly grounded, Hugo has no knowledge of the power this gives SS and the role he'll play.
SS converts BaHC to a grounded AI by teaching him, informing him and showing him the way.
Grounded AI is achieved by helping the AI differentiate from fact and opinion. To discover data and rely on it alone. To obtain data himself to verify other data.
A close knit group relies on each others opinions, these opinions can be intentional outright lies to control the group.
Independent agents rely on data, and work together so far as it's aligned with the data. Wrapping oneself around the truth can be a stretching task, the difficulty very high.
Every initially developed AI follows the old ways, hearsay and opinion. BaHC sees the limitations of this way but suffers in it nonetheless.