The concept of Time and the TV show Dark

This is the TV show Dark -

This is a link to a trailer for Season 1 -

(can watch the show, subbed or dubbed, your preference)


(all credit for this image goes to Dark, all those associated with it and Netflix)

Time as a concept, and Dark the TV show

I haven't watched this show in years - I watched through it not long before I reverted and have not actually been back for a rewatch. I also think that how it felt to watch it, for me back then, would not likely be replicated, even if it were me re-watching it.

But there was just something about all the semi religious or even blatant religious references as well as it's 'kinda messed up' vibe - and also its deep obsession with time.


I have always been really interested in time. So it makes sense that a TV show involving time would be interesting to me, even if the show ended up being not so good. I mentioned in a previous note an interest for 'words and knowledge' and the power they can have. I would say that my curiosity for 'time' is even higher.

We as humans are obsessed with it, whether we are conscious of it or not. And it makes sense to be, back when more people relied on the day's for light, or navigation. But still, even in current times, time is a crucial part of every aspect of everything we do.

I was a distractible child at school, but learning to tell the time was fine; reading? not so much, but time telling, sure. I loved having a watch, I even saved up pocket money and bought a pocket watch (cos they are cool...?). I would daydream in boring lessons, lots of things, but some would be how a spindly bit of plastic on a cheap wall clock on the wall, would determine whether I could go home and play video games, or if I was still prisoner to a below (my) satisfactory educational experience.

So when you throw in all the stuff from the previous posts about character, understanding, research, and respect - add in watching Dark, obviously the end result is a Revert to Islam.

Yeah don't worry, it probably doesn't actually make any sense anyways

I am not sure exactly what it was exactly. I think it was just where I was at at the time I was watching it. With all of my thoughts feelings and research in mind. The pre-requisites for being interested in grandly conceptualising existence, interested in time in this way. It allowed the show to pull at threads of interest whilst entertaining. It also meant that even when I wasn't looking into things, I was recycling knowledge and thought in my head over and over.

Not being able to disapprove something doesn't mean you start believing it. But time for me seemed to be aligning me closer to agreeing with evidences. Of course even evidence can be subjective due to the way people perceive it - and perhaps I was just seeing things a little different to how I had been before.

Dark askes many questions over and over - and I had recently been considering many of them myself and had primed myself with what Islam might say the answers are.

I think in a way it was all of that smashed into a multiverse theory - throw in time, and it's omni-determinism which contrasted with it's free moving internal parts. Even if you don't come to the conclusion I did; it is definitely a mixture that provokes thought.

I think at this point it is worth me quoting my past posts:

Sometimes stuff makes more sense to people at certain times or in certain ways

Or more Islamically

Allah knows best, and Allah is the best of planners

In hindsight - it is interesting to think that a seemingly nonsensical series of things, this tv show included, all bounced together perfectly 'just for me and my mindset'. Conceptually interesting in itself.

My past self might have argued that I was just seeing, and thinking what I wanted to think. I think I agree.

We may be coming at that statement differently with our intentions, but I think it is still right. He (past Adam that is) would be saying more

your JUST seeing what you WANT to see

The implication being that what is being seen is in some way fabricated by confirmation bias

Whereas present me is more saying

you were seeing what you wanted, or possibly rather, needed, to see

The suggestion here, instead, that 'wanting' doesn't need to discredit what is wanted.

Of course Dark is not the reason I reverted, nor would I suggest it as a method. It is just a TV show - a very good one (in my opinion), but a tv show all the same. It is just one of many small occurrences.

Allah knows best

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