Day #11 - 8 hour driving day.

One of the realities of van life. Big days driving.

To be honest these days are few and far between for us (by design). We rarely do huge days in the car, but sometimes there just isn't much between point A and point B, so the best option is to smash some k's.

We did nearly 400km's today driving from Streaky Bay to Port Augusta. We managed to leave at just after 10am, got about an hour and half down before everyone had a little chance to stretch their legs, have a toilet stop, go to the dump point - and back into it again.

Another hour and a bit and we stopped in Kimba for another break, to see the Big Gallah (and who wouldn't stop to see a giant bird?) and let the girls have a play on a playground while I found some water to fill up our tanks. A bite to eat, then in the car again as looked to cover more territory. We initially planned to stop about 45 mins before Port Augusta, but the town was small and we thought we'd rather stick it out a bit longer and haul to Port Augusta.

5pm we arrive in Port Augusta, and the campground we arrived at was full. Bummer. Luckily one of the local caravan parks was still open, so another 10 minutes later we were pulling into the caravan park, getting booked in and setting up by 6pm.

We rarely book accommodation ahead of time - and for good reason. Sometimes you need to go with the flow and get a feel for the places you are thinking about staying. So many times we have arrived at a campground and it just hasn't felt right, so we've kept driving. Another reason why we always like to travel with full water tanks in our van - you never know where you'll end up, and we always want to be prepared.

Our girls were incredible today. They are quite used to the frequent travelling and long drives, but this was a biggen. Now a few days without driving before we head to Adelaide on Tuesday.

See you tomorrow.


PS- Managed to get a run in this morning before we left. 5k trot at 5m30s pace, didn't set the world on fire but ticked the legs over. Will really look to ramp up the distance when I start officially training in April for the marathon.

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