Day 18 - A bad habit to drop to help get the best out of YOU

Last year was a really interesting year for me in many ways.

In ways it was year that I made some real progress - and also some false starts - on my 'health and wellness' journey (that sounds like a bit of a wank doesn't it?)

I was faltering with getting my workouts going with any sort of routine - I had every excuse under the sun - not enough time, not a great space to do it in, not the right equipment, too hard with the kids, blah blah blah.

But the reality was that I had some bad habits that were standing in the way. I could of been doing a quick workout at night while girls were in bed, but instead I was sipping on a glass of wine thinking I'd earned it after a 'hard day'. This then led to my mornings not being as productive as they could have been due to my alcohol consumption in the evenings.

You see, there's a cycle here. And it isn't a particularly healthy one.

So in October last year, after months of faltering, going back and forward and around in circles with 'We'll drink once a fortnight' or 'Only on a Saturday night' or 'Weekends only - Friday to Sunday and that is strictly it (and guess what - not being able to stick to it), we said enough is enough.

I can't say I haven't had a drink since October because that wouldn't be the truth - I had a boys weekend at the end of October that I drunk alcohol and on my work Christmas breakup on December 22nd I had 5 beers - but since then I haven't had a drop, and don't plan to.

If you feel like your alcohol consumption habits are stopping you from achieving your full potential, or chasing your goals, or even just taking the next step in being a better human, then maybe it is time to take a break. I promise you, once you break the habit, you will back and wonder how you ever had the time for it in your life, and realise that it served you absolutely no purpose whatsoever.

I'm here to be a sounding board - if you want advice, need a bit of guidance, or to just ask a question, let me know and I will get back to you, no questions asked.

You are worth it.

See you tomorrow.



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